Health: University hospital doctors want to go on warning strike

University hospital doctors want to go on warning strike

University hospital doctors want to go on warning strike. photo

© Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

After the public service, train drivers and other employees, doctors at large state hospitals are now going on a warning strike. The doctors’ union warns of growing discontent.

In the collective bargaining dispute over the income and working conditions of 20,000 doctors in 23 university hospitals nationwide, the doctors are united Warning strike.

The Marburger Bund has called on its members to go on strike on January 30th, the doctors’ union in Berlin announced. This was preceded by an unsuccessful third round of negotiations. A central warning strike rally is to take place in Hanover.

According to the Marburger Bund, the collective bargaining association of German states (TdL) refuses to agree on fundamental improvements to the collective bargaining and working situation of doctors in university hospitals. “The states are leaving doctors at university hospitals out in the cold,” said the deputy head of the doctors’ union, Andreas Botzlar.

Union warns of growing discontent

The TdL must recognize how great the need for action is to make medical services at university hospitals more attractive again. “Without substantial improvements, the dissatisfaction of doctors will become even greater,” said Botzlar.

In the negotiations with the TdL, the Marburger Bund is demanding 12.5 percent more salary per year as well as higher supplements for regular work at night, on weekends and on public holidays. The Marburger Bund justified the requested linear increase with inflation and the goal of closing the salary gap with other hospital providers.

The TV Doctors Act does not apply to a number of university hospitals because different collective agreements apply to doctors there. These include Berlin, Hamburg and Hesse. Company collective agreements apply to the university hospitals in Dresden and Mainz; they are negotiated separately by the corresponding regional associations of the Marburg Federation.


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