Health: Norway: Retouched advertising must be flagged

Norway: Retouched ads must be flagged

“Retouched person” and “advertisement” is on the note from the Norwegian Consumer Authority – influencers and other advertisers must now explicitly indicate if the appearance of people in advertisements has been changed. Photo: -/Consumer Supervisory Authority/dpa

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“Perfect” skin, a wasp waist, a radiant white smile: What we see every day on the Internet often does not correspond to reality – it can make you ill. Norway is now counteracting this.

From now on, influencers and other advertisers in Norway must explicitly indicate if the appearance of people in advertisements has been changed.

A change in the law came into effect today in the Scandinavian country, requiring retouched and otherwise manipulated appearances in paid ads to be accompanied by a circular uniform notice. This includes body shape, size and skin, such as changes in face shape, broader shoulders and narrower hips.

The measure is intended to make consumers aware that people are not always shown in advertising as they really look. Ultimately, it’s about showing less idealized bodies in advertising and thus protecting younger people in particular. “Finally we get a powerful measure against unhealthy body pressure, which children and young people in particular are exposed to,” said Norwegian Minister of Children and Family Affairs Kjersti Toppe.

The obligation to label applies to all classic and social media and expressly also to influencers and other people who place advertising online on the Internet and in social media. Anyone who does not comply faces a fine.

The notice should make up around seven percent of the image area and be placed in a clearly visible position in the upper left corner of the advertisement. Both those who created the advertisement and the advertisers who want to make money from it can be held responsible.


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