Health: Doctor suggestion for emergencies: call 116 117

Doctor suggestion for emergencies: call 116 117

In constant use: emergency services are often overloaded. photo

© Friso Gentsch/dpa

Emergency services and emergency rooms are often overloaded. The medical profession therefore wants to network the emergency number and the emergency number 112. An initial assessment should then help.

Patients should, according to the ideas of the In an emergency, doctors should primarily dial today’s emergency number 116 117. This emerges from a statement by the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, the Marburger Bund and the Association of General Practitioners, which was published in Berlin.

Control centers for the emergency numbers 112 and 116 117 should be networked and integrated. Callers should receive an initial assessment of their concerns and then be sent to an emergency room, an urgent care center or a doctor.

Today, Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) wants to present his ideas for a reform of emergency care. Because emergency services and emergency rooms are often overloaded. Many patients visit emergency rooms even if doctors don’t consider them emergencies.


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