Health center Ebersberg: Free hearing test – Ebersberg

Appointments are still available for the pedagogical-audiological consultation on Thursday, October 27th, at the Ebersberg health department. A specialist educator from the Hören support center in Munich checks the hearing and speaking abilities of children aged nine months up to the end of school free of charge, for example if they have learning problems or have dyslexia. Is a child’s language development not age-appropriate? Is a hearing impairment suspected or is a hearing impairment already known? Are there any abnormalities in auditory processing and perception? These are questions that can be addressed during the consultation.

Other dates are January 19, 2023, March 16, 2023 and June 22, 2023. You can register by calling (08092) 823 586, -478, -544 or -392. You can do this by email with the address [email protected]. Be sure to include a phone number for questions. For the consultation hour on October 27th, certain general corona conditions apply, about which you will be informed before the visit.

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