he had beaten up a man and stole his car, his DNA betrayed him

Member of a national police patrol in the Empalot district in Toulouse – A. GELEBART / 20 MINUTES

One night in August last, two friends were chatting in the Toulouse districtfrom Impalot near the car of one of them. Until they were taken to task by a group of young people. The owner of the vehicle was then beaten up, being kicked in the head, while lying on the ground.

His attackers will then steal his bank card, his cell phone and, seeing the keys on the car, end up driving it. A few hours later, while the victim was being treated, the car was found in an accident in the neighborhood. When police investigators sift through it, they track down DNA.

The property damage unit has traced the trail of this possible suspect. Summoned to the police station earlier this week, the 20-year-old young man was brought to trial yesterday and was given a summons by report.

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