He gets knocked out after falling into the trap of a car salesman

The attack took place Friday in the garage of a residence in Vénissieux, near Lyon. A man was violently struck in the head by surprise and left unconscious in the parking lot. While he had an appointment in the basement of this residence to buy a used car, the victim was attacked from behind by the seller, reports Progress. She was then left unconscious on the ground and stripped of her money, which was intended for the transaction. The man came to his senses before leaving the building. The firefighters took care of him and transported him to the neurological hospital in Bron.

hammer attack

If the victim’s life is not in danger, she still suffers from a skull fracture. As for the suspect, he was able to be located thanks to the video surveillance of the parking lot.

Arrested in Haute-Garonne the attacker had a hammer in his car. According Progress, this could potentially be the murder weapon. He has since been taken into custody.

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