Have you started repairing or do you prefer to buy new?

81% of French people have a good image of it… but only 33% of us take action, according to Ademe. This is the whole paradox of reparation, which we struggle to extricate ourselves from in France. Things are moving all the same. Repair cafés, third places, fablab and other citizen initiatives have multiplied in recent years. At the same time, the Anti-waste law for a circular economy has resulted in several measures intended to encourage repair. The repairability index or the repair bonus, to name the two main ones.

The first edition of National repair days, which will be held from Friday to Sunday, also aims to anchor this alternative to buying new in the habits of the French. Eight hundred events are planned throughout France, indicates Stop planned obsolescence (HOP)co-organizer of the event.

In the meantime, dear readers, 20 minutes would like to survey you on the subject. What repairs have you already embarked on? Which one makes you most proud? Do you rather call on repairers?

Each time you are faced with a breakdown, do you ask yourself the question of repairing it rather than buying new? Do you have the impression that repairing still makes life more complicated? That repairers are missing? Which option is more expensive? What do you think remains to be improved? Yes, we know, that raises questions. But we are sure that you have plenty of things to tell us…

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