Has Russia worsened the psychosis in France?

The health problem posed by the presence of bedbugs in public places in France is not illusory. But is the psychosis that has spread on social networks up to the crisis or has it been amplified and fueled voluntarily by the Russians?

French intelligence services are leaning towards this second option, according to information from RMC, called the “Doppel Ganger”. It consists of copying a serious media outlet to make it say what you want. 20 minutes has already been the target of this type of practice several times.

Fake articles that look like the real thing

And several press titles have in fact seen one of their articles, or even their front page Release, usurped by false information, false articles, which circulated in Russian channels. An article indicating that the bedbug crisis was directly linked to Ukrainian refugees was published in a fake article Release.

Provoking a media frenzy in France and abroad could tarnish the image of France a few months before the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. A welcome destabilization for Russia, under sanctions by France and its European allies at the following its aggression against Ukraine in February 2022.

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