Hanna W. murder case: The contradictions of the witness – Bavaria

Verena R. likes to tell a lot. On November 17th, 2022, at noon, she sits with the police in Traunstein for an hour and a half. They talk about October 3rd, 2022, which has been keeping the investigators busy for a month and a half. Since then, they have been looking for the person who killed the 23-year-old medical student Hanna W. in Aschau . is said to have attacked her on her way home and thrown her into the Bärbach. They talk to Verena R. because her best friend, Sebastian T., was jogging in Aschau around the time that Hanna W. left the “Eiskeller” club. She seems “very self-confident” to the officers; she sometimes thinks about things, but always knows an answer. They don’t notice any desire for incrimination, even if Verena R. does exactly that that afternoon: she puts a heavy burden on her best friend, whom the officers still see as a witness until then. She says he told her on a walk on the evening of October 3rd that a “girl” had been killed in Aschau – the officials know: only the perpetrator could have known that at the time. They inform the public prosecutor.

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