Hamas War – Israel: The UN votes for a “humanitarian truce”, anger of the Hebrew state

The UN General Assembly on Friday called by a large majority for an “immediate humanitarian truce”, on the 21st day of the war between Hamas and Israel, which castigated “infamy” when its army announced “to extend » its ground operations in Gaza.

After four failures in ten days by the Security Council to act, the General Assembly took over on this issue which highlighted divisions, particularly among Westerners.

“As we witness a ground invasion of Israel as we speak, and in the absence of determined action from the Security Council, (the resolution) has a simple but vital objective, in line with reason to be United Nations: peace,” said Jordanian Ambassador Mahmoud Daifallah Hmoud, whose country drafted the text on behalf of the group of 22 Arab countries.


The non-binding resolution, which “calls for an immediate, lasting and sustained humanitarian truce, leading to the cessation of hostilities”, received in New York to applause 120 votes for, 14 against (including Israel and the United States), and 45 abstentions, out of the 193 members of the UN.

Hamas, welcoming this vote, demanded “its immediate implementation in order to provide fuel and humanitarian aid to civilians”, according to a press release.

The war between Israel and Hamas was sparked by the unprecedented attack by the Palestinian Islamist movement on October 7 on Israeli soil from the Gaza Strip. In retaliation, the Israeli army has since relentlessly bombed territory controlled by Hamas, where some 2.4 million Palestinians are crowded. And it announced Friday evening to “expand” its land operations there.

The General Assembly resolution focuses largely on the humanitarian situation in Gaza, calling in particular for the “immediate” provision of water, food, fuel, electricity, and “unimpeded” access for humanitarian aid.

It also condemns “all acts of violence directed against Palestinian and Israeli civilians, including all acts of terrorism and indiscriminate attacks”, and says it is “deeply concerned by the latest escalation of violence since the attack of October 7 “, but without mentioning Hamas.

“Preventing conflagration”

“Shame on you!”, launched Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan, describing this resolution as “infamy”. “It is a dark day for the UN and for humanity”, he said. he added, promising that Israel would continue to use “all means” at its disposal to “rid the world of the evil that Hamas represents.”

The United States, which had also denounced the absence of the words “Hamas” and “hostages” in the text, unsurprisingly voted against. The United Kingdom abstained.

A Canadian amendment wanting to “categorically condemn the Hamas terrorist attacks” of October 7 and demand the “immediate and unconditional release” of the hostages was rejected, despite everything receiving 88 votes for, 55 against and 23 abstentions (two-thirds of the votes cast). were necessary to pass).

France, recognizing that “certain essential elements are missing in the text”, nevertheless supported the Jordanian resolution. “Because nothing can justify the suffering of civilians,” insisted French Ambassador Nicolas de Rivière.

But if France, Spain, or Belgium voted for the text, Germany, Italy and Finland abstained, while Austria, the Czech Republic and Hungary voted against. “A disaster for the EU’s efforts to project a common position at the UN,” commented Richard Gowan of the International Crisis Group.

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