Haar – high-tech toilets for the train station – district of Munich

There was talk of the dirty train station and the eyesore in Haar: When the CSU launched a signature campaign on the initiative of the Frauen-Union last summer to push for a redesign and renovation of the building on the south side of the S-Bahn station, the response was great . The condition of the old kiosk and especially the dilapidated toilet facility has been a thorn in the side of many in the area for a long time. Now the town hall is making progress, at least with the new toilets. A rehabilitation plan is available. The council’s building committee approved the proposal at its most recent meeting. The building department is now preparing for implementation.

The fact that something is happening has nothing to do directly with the signatures collected a year and a half ago. A CSU mayor is sitting at the helm in the town hall, and his own people don’t have to push him on the matter. The action was a reaction to the fact that the SPD and Greens had put a stop to a large-scale conversion on the south side desired by the CSU. Deutsche Bahn had offered a financial contribution for a new kiosk. But the SPD and the Greens insisted on an overall concept. The kiosk building proposed by the railway fell through with the red-green majority of the municipal council for design reasons.

Well, at least one is making progress with the toilet facility, which does not affect the picture on the south side of the station, which has actually been heavily redesigned in recent years. It is located directly behind the kiosk, which will remain for now, but has actually been criticized for years because of the hygienic deficits. 170,000 euros were already available in 2022 for the general renovation of the public toilet facility and will now be carried over to the coming year. A cost estimate puts the effort at around 130,000 euros, plus there are of course ancillary costs for lines and a buffer, because everything on construction sites is currently becoming more expensive than expected.

The interior is to be completely renewed

The planning now envisages a completely new sanitary technology, with automatic seat cleaning, with high-pressure floor cleaning for a barrier-free unisex toilet, a urinal and a unisex toilet. Funding for barrier-free construction is currently being examined. Currently under discussion is to design the facade with wooden slats. Ultimately, however, the appearance of the toilet house should be coordinated with that of the future kiosk.

In the medium term, the aim in Haar is to redesign the entire station area and Leibstrasse. The community is having an urban development concept drawn up, the core of which includes a new bus station on the park-and-ride site to the south of the railway line. It is also about the future of the kiosk, which is located between the future bus station and the train station. The municipal council has already unanimously decided on the goals of urban development for the station area. The toilet issue should now be brought forward and clarified more quickly.

The fact that something is happening at the kiosk and in the toilets should calm things down in Haar. At the time, the signature campaign repelled the SPD in particular, because the previous mayors they had appointed were accused of having done too little. Under Helmut Dworzak and Gabriele Müller, the large-scale conversion of the station was pushed and implemented – only the toilet house and the kiosk made no progress.

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