“Guidos Deko Queen”: Then the third season starts

“Guido’s Deco Queen”
Then the third season starts

Guido Maria Kretschmer presents the decoration competition “Guido’s Deco Queen”.

© RTL / Det Kempke

Guido Maria Kretschmer is once again looking for his “Decoration Queen”. At the end of August, the VOX show will start with new episodes.

Guido Maria Kretschmer (57) will start the third season with “Guidos Deko Queen” at the end of August. The designer will present the new episodes of the living format from August 29 (weekdays at 4 p.m.). In the first week, the participants perform under the motto “Well patterned – create a new spatial dynamic through recurring structures!” in the decoration competition.

The concept of “Guidos Deco Queen”

According to VOX, the format, for which there is also a home and lifestyle magazine of the same name in print form, will henceforth be used own Instagram account which, among other things, introduces the candidates in more detail and includes tips from the designer. Every week, five hobby decoration experts compete against each other in direct competition. It has to be screwed, painted and decorated. At the end of the week, “Guidos Deco Queen” will be chosen at the grand finale in Hamburg.

“It’s particularly nice for me because I have more time for the final and the women than with ‘Shopping Queen’,” explained Kretschmer at the premiere of the show in March 2021 in an interview with spot on news. “As a great lover of women, it showed me once again how emancipated, patent and courageous many girls are. It is very sweet and nice to see how lovingly the candidates treat each other. You feel little competition, but rather respect for each other.”


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