Guido Maria Kretschmer about death and an immoral offer

Fashion designer and “Shopping Queen” presenter Guido Maria Kretschmer is one of the most popular German celebrities. On a spontaneous walk through Berlin, he experienced moments that ranged from bizarre to deeply moving and wrote a book about them. A conversation.

Mr. Kretschmer, in your book you describe how you openly walk through Berlin for a day. How did that happen?
It was the week the Queen died. It was a very hot September day and I was invited to a funeral program on GALA TV. I went there, all dressed up, in a black suit with patent leather shoes; it was still very early in the morning. Afterwards I asked myself whether I should go back to the hotel or whether I should start running like I used to, without glasses, without looking down, just running. That day I experienced the most beautiful stories.

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