Berlin: End of the war: Russian ambassador at memorial events

End of war: Russian ambassador at memorial events

The Russian ambassador, Sergei Yuryevich Nechayev (M), stands in front of memorial wreaths at the Soviet War Memorial in Treptower Park. photo

© Christoph Soeder/dpa

To commemorate the victory over Nazi Germany, numerous people come to the Soviet Memorial, many in military uniforms. The nationalist rocker group “Nachtwölfe” is still expected.

Numerous people attended the Soviet Memorial in Treptower Park Berlin commemorated the end of the Second World War 79 years ago at a memorial event. Russian Ambassador Sergei Yuryevich Nechayev also came and welcomed Russian Orthodox clergy at the event. In the morning, the ambassador is also expected to attend a memorial service at the memorial in the Tiergarten.

The police checked visitors at the park entrances for prohibited symbols and objects. There were initially no incidents, said a police spokeswoman. Visitors laid wreaths and flowers, many wearing military uniforms. In Russia, May 9th is celebrated as Victory Day over Nazi Germany.

Later in the day, members of the Soviet nationalist rocker group “Nachtwölfe” are also expected at the memorial. The group has been visiting various memorial sites to mark this day for years. The anti-Western “Night Wolves” are seen as supporters of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine. According to police findings, they were still traveling in Brandenburg that morning, where they had visited Potsdam on Wednesday.


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