Guardians of the Galaxy make (a little) the event at Square Enix

Here is the Guardians of the Galaxy in video game, with a purple llama so (normal) – Square Enix

In recent days, E3, the largest video game show, has been held virtually through online conferences and reactions on social networks. Square Enix, the home of Final fantasy, took the opportunity to announce a new game of its flagship license, with Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin,
action-oriented spin-off scheduled for 2022, as well as the pixel remaster of the first six episodes on Steam and mobile. But the big piece of the Square Enix Presents conference was Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy. Maybe because it follows the game Avengers.

Forget the Avengers, here are the Guardians of the Galaxy

Announced at E3 2019, released in fall 2020, Avengers did not leave a good impression on the players, between his side work in progress and its generic heroes, far from their incarnations in the cinema. As if to rectify the situation, Square Enix is ​​already back with a new Marvel game still action and adventure but this time solo. You play as only Star-Lord, the other Guardians of the Galaxy being controlled by the AI ​​even if your decisions affect their behavior. The title is expected on October 28 on consoles and PC.

Square does not abandon the soldier, however. Avengers with the extension Black Panther: The War for Wakanda scheduled for August. Finally, besides the third Life is strange and the remaster of the first, the publisher unveiled its new action-RPG license Babylon’s Fall from Platinum Games studio (Bayonetta), with
a closed beta this summer.

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