Grünwald: Academy weeks with top-class speakers – district of Munich

The word “quality of life” may not have great poetic magic, but as a collective term for factors that make up the living conditions of a society and its individuals, it is an essential indicator. Of course, what and why something is considered important for the quality of life is always subject to change – although categories such as health care, stability, education, culture and the environment are of quasi-timeless value.

“Rethinking quality of life – the future of our society” is the programmatic motto of the Winter Academy Weeks, which the Grünwalder Circle of Friends of the Evangelical Academy in Tutzing is organizing in the coming weeks. As usual, the speakers are top-class: The evangelical regional bishop, Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, will be speaking at the start this Wednesday, February 8th. The scene of his lecture “What is a good life? Theological reflections on ecological transformation” is the Protestant community hall at Wörnbrunner Straße 1. A week later, on February 15, Ursula Münch, director of the Academy for Political Education in Tutzing, will give a lecture there . The topic of the politics professor, not least known as an eloquent “CSU explainer”: “More than a fair-weather democracy: pluralistic and constitutional democracy in times of crises”.

After the pandemic years, there should be more “aprés discourse” again

In general, the organizers want to use these lectures to give impetus from society, politics, culture and the church in order to encourage visitors to discuss, reflect and possibly act. “Getting serious information about relevant topics is more important than ever, especially in the complex world situation of our time,” explains the management team of the Grünwalder Freundeskreis led by Karin Jacobs-Zander. After the rather quiet pandemic years, the après discourse in particular should be emphasized more: “The exchange after the lectures is one of the hallmarks of the popular academy events.” In order to complement this with atmospheric and culinary delights, the audience is “invited to delicacies and drinks in the garden wing right next to the large community hall” after the event.

Holds the first lecture of the academy weeks this Wednesday: Heinrich Bedford-Strohm.

(Photo: Armin Weigel/dpa)

Another speaker on Thursday, March 2nd, is the lawyer Norbert Scharf, who will talk about “Criminal law developments of our time – a contribution to the quality of life?” from the perspective of a criminal defense attorney. On Thursday, March 14, Rabbi Tom Kucer of the Liberal Jewish Community in Munich will give a lecture: “The Concept of the Soul in Judaism and the Preservation of Creation”. It is the conclusion of the academy weeks, which illuminate “quality of life” as a result of social, economic, but also spiritual conditions and circumstances.

This year, too, each lecture will be streamed live on the “Thomasgemeinde Grünwald” YouTube channel and can also be viewed there later. Tickets for the lectures cost eight euros each. Admission is free for members of the Circle of Friends, as well as for schoolchildren and students. The events begin at 7:30 p.m. each day.

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