Government crisis in Austria: Sebastian Kurz and his helpers – politics


Cathrin Kahlweit, Vienna

Much was different this time: the dreary rain, the nervous mood, the dark street. But above all, one song was missing. When the government of the ÖVP and FPÖ broke up on the Ibiza video in 2019, thousands flocked to the Hofburg in the city center, cheered and danced. It was a party atmosphere in Vienna on that warm May evening, an eruption of relief that this embarrassing troop was finally no longer co-governing the country: Gröpfaz Herbert Kickl, greatest horse fan of all time and FPÖ interior minister with his horse squad, the many guys from beating connections their throws and their Nazi songbooks that suddenly sat in the ministries, but above all the chubby Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache with his sayings and his little gold chains. The young superstar chancellor Sebastian Kurz brought them all into government in 2017 after his furious election victory. But after the Ibiza scandal became known, he no longer liked; “enough is enough,” he said. And because it fitted so nicely, the demonstrators played a song the whole evening Venga Boys: “We’re going to Ibiza”.

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