Google Play Store: Hidden setting brings great benefits

There is almost no situation in life that doesn’t have a suitable Android app. This is the one Google Play Store not only tries to constantly expand its offering, but also to improve its own services. If you activate the “Optimize app installation” setting, the practical digital everyday helpers will arrive on your smartphone much faster.

Google Play Store: You should know this setting

On his support page explained Google the benefits that await you when you enable app installation optimization. This allows Google to see which parts of an app you use first after downloading it. Using the data collected from millions of users of the Google Play Store worldwide, data can be combined, trends identified and the applications optimized accordingly.

The optimization of app installation can therefore be seen as a kind of joint project in which the entire community is involved. If you activate the setting, other users can also benefit from it, allowing apps to be installed, opened and run more quickly. In return, you benefit from other people’s data, even if you have deactivated the setting.

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Instructions: Enable app installation optimization

Even though this setting has existed since 2021, many users are unlikely to be aware of it yet. It’s really child’s play to turn on the optimization of the app installation. You can complete the entire process in three simple steps:

  1. Open the Google Play Store.
  2. Go to the Settings menu and click on the “General” tab.
  3. The option to turn app installation optimization on or off will appear there.
Source: Screenshot

How secure is your data?

In order to improve the installation and use of Android apps for you and other users, the Google Play Store accesses parts of your data. However, it’s all about which aspects of the application you use immediately after downloading it. According to the company, information about content that you upload or download within it should not be recorded. These include, for example, images in social networks.

Google should also not be able to access personal data such as names or email addresses. Data outside of the app, such as other apps or other content on your smartphone, should also remain untouched.

Source: Google Support

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