Good news ! 9 essential fruits to plant in September

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Strawberry plants

strawberry plant in the ground
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When the good weather returns, the strawberry harvest can be spread over several months if you rely on plants of various varieties. In September, you can plant strawberries in the ground or in pots depending on the climate in your region:

  • In the open ground : plant your strawberries every 20 to 30 cm. This can be an opportunity to renew plants that have not endured the summer or aging plants, and if you don’t have any, to simply add strawberries to your garden. This way, the root system will have time to develop before the first frost for a good harvest next summer. Do not hesitate to protect them from the cold with mulch or a tunnel.
  • Pot : if you live in a region where winters can be harsh, it is preferable to plant your strawberries in pots that you can shelter in a greenhouse in case of risk of intense frosts.

8 fruit trees in containers

Although September is not the ideal season for planting fruit trees, it can be done if you buy trees sold in containers. For their part, bare root fruit trees can only be planted in 1 or 2 months when they have entered their vegetative rest period. If you opt for a container tree, you can choose from the following 8 fruit trees.

Apple tree

apples on an apple tree
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Sold in containers, it can be planted all year round, except during frost periods. You can opt for a Belle de Boskoop apple tree, a Reine de Reinettes apple tree, a Grand Alexandre apple tree, etc.


pears on a pear tree
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Some pear trees are self-sterile, so be careful to find out carefully, because in this case, you would need to plant 2 pear trees with compatible pollination. Among the interesting varieties: Williams which bears fruit in summer, Beurre Hardy, a hardy variety, Conference, a pear tree which can withstand late frosts, etc.


corners on a quince tree
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By planting it in September, you will give it the opportunity to establish itself well before the arrival of winter.

Cherry tree

cherries on a cherry tree
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Likewise, planting a cherry tree in September will give it the opportunity to root deeper before winter. You will be able to enjoy its beautiful flowering in spring, then its fruits.

To fish

peaches on a peach tree
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Among many other varieties, you can plant the September Fertile Prunus persica, a vigorous, resistant and very productive peach tree. Its other advantage is that it is self-fertile. Give it a sunny location sheltered from the prevailing winds. If you live in an area where winters tend to be harsh, opt for peach trees such as Intrepid or Reliance.


walnuts in a walnut tree
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In the case of walnut too, early planting promotes rooting before the arrival of winter.

plum tree

plums on a plum tree
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There are dozens of varieties of plum trees that you can plant from September, whatever region of France you live in. You will enjoy their fruits in summer or autumn, depending on the variety chosen.

Kiwi tree

kiwis in a kiwi tree
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If you want to harvest your own kiwis, it is important to plant at least one plant of each sex. Opt for a location in partial shade along a trellis, pergola, arbor, etc., as this tree needs support to develop.

Successfully planting fruit trees in containers

To enjoy great harvests, follow the following steps to plant your tree(s) in a container:

  1. Determine the ideal location for your fruit tree, that is to say the one which will promote its development. It depends on each type and variety of tree, but as a general rule, your tree should be able to benefit from sufficient sunlight to allow the fruit to ripen properly. Also make sure you have the necessary space.
  2. Prepare the ground by digging a hole deep and wide enough to allow the root system to develop well. If your soil is not adequately drained, it may help to add sand to your soil. If the soil is poor, then be sure to add compost.
  3. Clean the tree to be planted by pruning any branches that go towards the center of the tree to keep only those that go towards the outside. Also remember to break up the root ball and untangle the roots. Some roots may need to be lightly pruned to encourage their recovery.
  4. Install the fruit tree in the hole previously made ensuring that the roots are well spread and that the crown of the tree is above ground level. Then add enough soil and tamp to eliminate air pockets. Check that your tree is perfectly straight, that is to say that it does not lean to one side or another, and that it is securely in place. These small checks will allow you to avoid a lot of inconvenience in the future.
  5. After planting your tree, water it generously. Over the next 2 years, you will need to make sure to provide it with regular watering.
  6. It can also be useful to mulch the base of this tree to protect its roots from the cold in winter and maintain a certain level of humidity.

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