Golden Milk recipe: prepare the healthy trend drink

Recipe from the Far East
Golden Milk: healthy drink with a centuries-old tradition

Golden Milk is a delicious all-round talent against many physical ailments

© Sarah Biesinger / Getty Images

Although the healthy turmeric drink from India has been prepared for centuries, it is considered THE new trendy drink in this country. But where does the hype come from and how do you prepare golden milk correctly?

Ayurvedic teaching is primarily about activating the body’s self-healing powers. For this reason, the Indian art of healing is not only popular in alternative medicine, but also in the wellness sector. In this context, the topic of healthy eating also plays an important role – and this is where the so-called “turmeric latte” comes into play: As the name correctly suggests, Golden Milk consists primarily of milk. You can either use ordinary cow’s milk or vegan products such as almond, soy or coconut milk for the preparation. What should not be missing in any case is the South Asian ginger plant, because it gives the drink its golden color. Turmeric is also said to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, and it is said to stimulate digestion. And that’s not all.

This is why turmeric is so healthy

Most people know turmeric probably as a spice from Indian cuisine, as many curry dishes are seasoned with it. In contrast to ordinary ginger, the powder does not taste quite as hot, but is still very spicy and slightly bitter. By far the most important ingredient is curcumin, a polyphenol that is used as a medicinal product in conjunction with essential oils. In addition to the above-mentioned mode of action, turmeric is also said to help lower the risk of heart or brain diseases (for example Alzheimer’s). And of course the South Asian ginger plant is also called Preventive agents against cancer touted, even if this has not yet been scientifically confirmed. However, one thing is certain: the spice stimulates the liver and thus helps to detoxify the body. So it’s no wonder that golden milk is trendy right now. But how exactly is the drink actually prepared?

Ingredients for hot Ayurvedic drink

You only need a few ingredients to prepare Golden Milk

© jchizhe / Getty Images

Golden Milk Recipe: This is how the drink is prepared

So that the curcumin can develop its full effect, a little black pepper is added to the drink – it ensures that the body can absorb even more (more precisely 200 times) of the health-promoting active ingredient. Now would Golden Milk not that tasty, however, so you will need the following ingredients for the preparation (enough for a large cup):

  • 300 milliliters of milk
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 cm ginger
  • 1 pinch of pepper
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil

The quantities given can vary, especially in terms of spiciness and sweetness. Experiment a little (tip: try nutmeg and cardamom) until you really like the golden milk, and it is best to proceed as follows:

  1. Put the milk in a small saucepan and heat it on the stove over low heat so that it does not boil.
  2. Stir the spices and that Coconut oil under the milk, then taste the drink with the honey.
  3. Then pour the contents through a sieve into a large mug so that the ginger stays in the pot.

Bon Appetit!

Another note: Alternatively, you can use a ready-made Spice mix which already contains all the ingredients (except for the fresh milk, of course) that you need to prepare Golden Milk.

The positive effects of Golden Milk

The curcumin contained in turmeric is an all-round talent. By taking it regularly, you can do something good for your body on several levels at the same time. And all you have to do is drink a glass of Golden Milk, unfortunately the spice is dry as ice. The benefits of the drink include, in particular, strengthening your immune system and aiding your digestion. But the pain-relieving properties are also an absolute plus point of the trendy drink and – and this is probably the main reason why Golden Milk is currently in trend – its relaxing effect on the entire organism.

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