Golden Globes 2023: ratings plummeting – Media

The big stars and directors have returned, glamorous guests like Rihanna have attended, a Hollywood heavyweight like Steven Spielberg has triumphed on stage, and NBC was there live. So is everything okay again at the Golden Globes, which were banned from television last year due to allegations of corruption and a lack of diversity? no way. According to preliminary figures from the broadcaster on Wednesday, only 6.3 million viewers watched the show in Beverly Hills – fewer than ever.

An NBC spokesman explained that the gala has always aired on Sunday nights, when the ratings are better. That’s why you can only compare this year’s date on Tuesday evening with the past shows to a limited extent. The gala had been rescheduled to avoid an overlap with high-rated football broadcasts.

Although the rate this time is only slightly worse than that of the greatly reduced pandemic edition of 2021 – the Globes can no longer match the more than 18 million viewers who tuned in in 2020. From 2010 to 2020, according to the American rating agency Nielsen, the gala was able to reliably attract between 17 and million Americans in front of the screen.

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