Gérald Darmanin announces the imminent closure of a site with “Salafist content”

The “Salafist content” on the Internet is in the sights of the Minister of the Interior. Under the “separatism” law promulgated last summer, Gérald Darmanin announced on Sunday evening the imminent closure of the site “The right path” which, according to him, calls for “hate and jihad”.

“It is a form of publishing house on the Internet” with “Salafist content which clearly calls for hatred, which calls for jihad”, declared the minister in the program Restricted zone on M6, after a documentary devoted to the “danger of radical Islam”. “It’s a very important site that has existed since 2012. We have managed to make arrangements so that in a few hours, in a few days, we will be able to close this site and penalize the people who will continue to keep it going,” said he added.

An imam at the heart of the Samuel Paty affair

The “La Voie droite” site offers audio lessons, conferences and sermons delivered in particular by the former imam of Pantin, Ibrahim Abou Talha, dismissed after the assassination of Professor Samuel Paty in October 2020. The Pantin mosque had been closed for six months by the authorities after having relayed on his Facebook page a video of the father of the family who had accused the teacher of “discrimination” against his Muslim students for showing them caricatures of Muhammad during a lesson. The closing decree reported that the imam of Pantin, Ibrahim Doucouré for civil status, was “involved in the radical Islamist movement in Ile-de-France”.

Among the other speakers on the site is also the preacher Youssef Abou Anas, accused at the end of 2016 by the authorities of calling for “discrimination and hatred, even violence against women, Jews and Christians” . The Salafist quietist prayer room in Ecquevilly (Yvelines), where he officiated as imam, had been closed. In September, Gérald Darmanin had also pronounced the dissolution of the Ariège publishing house “Nawa”, in particular because of the distribution of “several works legitimizing jihad”.

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