Gardening: You should still do this in October

Watch the video: Beginning of autumn – you should do these gardening tasks in October.

When the days get shorter and colder, it is important to clear the lawn of fallen leaves.
But instead of disposing of the leaves, animals can use them as winter quarters in a quiet corner of the garden.
Important: Leave the piles of leaves until May.
Leave the foliage on the beds and tubs until spring, as foliage insulates.
After that, it can simply be worked into the beds as fertilizer.
Trees, shrubs and hedges should be cut back in autumn.
Then arrange the branches into piles of brushwood, which offer many animals a safe retreat.
You do not need to dispose of dead wood, on the contrary.
It provides a habitat for more animals and microorganisms than any other place in the garden.
Even with perennials and ivy, the motto in October is: laziness, take over!
This is because perennials offer useful insects a place to hibernate in winter and birds provide food in the form of seeds.
Ivy is now in bloom and is often the last source of food for many insects.
Other activities that await the gardener in October: Store plants that are not winter-proof in a frost-free place.
Fruit trees and raspberries should be pruned, but October is also the right time to plant fruit trees or roses.
Likewise flower bulbs for early bloomers.
If you want to harvest lamb’s lettuce, spinach or other winter vegetables in winter, you should act now.
Last but not least: A good portion of compost is now good for most plants.

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