Future engineers oppose Airbus sponsorship of their school

“We urge all the Grandes Ecoles to put in place a process for selecting promotion sponsors that respects human rights and ecological ambitions. “In a column published on a Mediapart blogstudents and graduate engineers fromIMT Atlantic strongly criticize the decision of the Nantes engineering school to have chosen Jean-Brice Dumont, vice-president ofAirbus Defense & Spacethe military branch of the European aircraft manufacturer, as sponsor of the class of 2022.

The leader is participating this Friday at the Cité des Congrès de Nantes in the graduation ceremony organized by the higher education institution. An event boycotted by the authors of the forum. These point to the high C02 emissions generated by Airbus aircraft. They also deplore the supply of military equipment to Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt or Turkey.

“We refuse this sponsorship because it is in direct opposition to our values ​​of social and climate justice, values ​​that are also often displayed by our establishment, write the authors. We refuse it, because it seems impossible to us to associate our training as scientists and its image with that of an industrial group doing business with states that are at best authoritarian, at worst flouting human rights. We don’t because it would provide a platform and influence to a company whose actions are so orthogonal to what we want to be and achieve. »

A “privileged partner” according to the school management

Airbus is considered a “privileged partner” of IMT Atlantique, recalls the management of the school. An Airbus group’s creativity and innovation laboratory is also housed in the Nantes premises of the IMT Atlantique incubator.

On June 25, Polytechnique students also took advantage of their graduation ceremony to demand that “greater importance be given to environmental issues”, thus imitating the highly publicized speech of AgroParisTech students. end of April. Two years earlier, polytechnicians had also mobilized against the establishment of a research center of the Total group on their campus in Saclay.

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