Fürstenfeldbruck: vaccination lessons for children – Fürstenfeldbruck

According to the health department, the reason for the seven-day incidence, which is still more than 4000, is the late reports of new infections. Towards the end of the week, many of these reports fell out of the statistics, and the incidence value will then drop accordingly, it is said. The authority recommends testing and vaccination of small children because of the many new infections. The resident pediatricians and the surrounding children’s hospitals could be visited for tests. The vaccination center in Fürstenfeldbruck only vaccinates boys and girls between the ages of five and eleven every Thursday afternoon between 3:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. Vaccination appointments can be booked online on the Bayimco vaccination portal. According to the health department, the intervals between the first and second vaccination as well as the vaccination after recovery can now be recorded in the system in accordance with the current recommendation of the Standing Vaccination Commission. Parents register their children online at first www.impfzentren.bayern.de. As far as the mobile child vaccination campaigns are concerned, the vaccination center’s call center will continue to help you with the selection of dates (calls on 08141/519-7100).

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