From June 1, there will no longer be nameless streets in France

Impasse “which didn’t have a name before”, Rue “don’t you have an idea? », Alley “then, laziness”, Place “not her, the other”, Road “from the little stone bridge on the left”… Here are some ideas for new addresses in thousands of villages in France.

An effect of the 3DS law (differentiation, decentralization, deconcentration and simplification), adopted in 2022 and which, among other things, required all municipalities to name “roads and localities, including private roads open to traffic” . Obligation which was subject to a schedule depending on the size of the municipalities. And the last tranche, that of villages with less than 2,000 inhabitants – or nearly 30,000 municipalities – has until the end of the month to comply.

Facilitate the work of first aiders

A measure which would concern 200,000 roads, roads and other places and 1.8 million local residents who are therefore given a new address, has estimated RTL. So there was work and a little imagination needed… “Place names are as varied as the landscapes, they reflect history and uses. Municipalities are encouraged to preserve this wealth, to specify the localities, but also to provide regional languages ​​in addition to French,” explains for example the dedicated government website.

The objective of this law, however, is not to evaluate the inventiveness of local elected officials but to facilitate the work of first aiders, postmen and couriers who can sometimes struggle, at the risk of serious consequences, to find the addresses indicated.

In fact, thousands of municipalities have had to purchase and manufacture thousands of street signs and numbers. In the case of private roads open to traffic, the law requires the purchase and installation of the number plate at the expense of the owner.

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