From a single source: overnight stays and shopping on holiday – travel

There are inventions and developments that, in retrospect, make you wonder why someone didn’t come up with the idea sooner, as obvious as these things are. One example is the tours of pop and rock musicians: for decades it was a rush from city to city, setting up the stage, dismantling the stage, every evening the management had to find a trustworthy coke dealer in a new city who could supply the musicians with good could supply material. And the band’s frontman put himself at risk of having full beer cups thrown at him every evening because he said “Hi Vienna!” shouted into the audience, even though he was in Prague.

Until – just recently – Adele, for example, came up with the idea of ​​simply playing a dozen concerts in one city. The fans now have to travel, which they often did before when they lived in Hanover or Fulda, but their heroes only played in Berlin, Cologne or Hamburg. Now everyone has to go to Munich, regardless of whether they are based in Amsterdam, Avignon or Augsburg. It doesn’t make a big difference for the fans, but it does make a difference for the musicians.

Column “There & Away”

:hands off

In Dublin and Verona, visitors can’t resist touching the breasts of bronze female figures.

Gloss by Stefan Fischer

Speaking of travel hardships: Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins had already been back from their extremely challenging trip to the moon from an engineering point of view for three years, when 1972 (finally) came for all those who just wanted to take the train to visit their family in the Black Forest , the rolling suitcase patented. It has been known for centuries that heavy loads could be transported much more easily on wheels or rollers than by dragging them.

This leads to the latest development. The underlying problem is well known: you drink a great wine in a restaurant or at the hotel bar on vacation, and with every glass the desire to take a few bottles home with you grows. But where can you get a box of them in a hurry, since the plane is leaving the next morning?

In Munich, a hotel and a retailer have now teamed up to advertise a bed that costs 70,000 euros. It’s in the best room in the house. And anyone who spends a night in it, the calculation goes, will never want to sleep in another bed again. And will want to buy it. Needless to say, anyone who stays in this hotel room doesn’t have to think about whether they can afford this bed. But just whether he wants to.

But before social envy arises again: This business principle can be applied at any price level. The hotel room, the breakfast room, the restaurant and the pub – they can all be transformed into showrooms. The enchanting porcelain service: You can buy it right here, with or without soup bowls. The guest just has to say whether they want it in eight or twelve pieces. The towels, the soap dish, the body lotion: will be sent, the address is on the registration form anyway. And, of course, the wine – one or two cases?

This helps the guest as he saves himself the hassle of running through a dozen shops. And on top of that, this will help alleviate the shortage of skilled workers in tourism: in the future, retail will provide a large proportion of the staff in the hotel industry Gastronomy. And for his part, he saves on the shops in extremely expensive inner-city locations. This in turn creates space for even more tourist businesses. Golden times will begin!

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