Fridays for Future – Why is Greta hugging China? – Politics abroad

Hundreds of thousands of them move through German city centers, denouncing the allegedly inactive German politics.

But why do the climate activists from Fridays for Future (FFF) never show up in front of the representations of the People’s Republic of China, the largest climate polluter in the world?

At the climate summit in Glasgow it came out that the People’s Republic’s share of global CO2 emissions has even increased significantly in 2020: from 27 to 31 percent! This was the result of an analysis by the research association “Global Carbon Project”.

Wiebke Winter (25), CDU federal executive and co-founder of the Climate Union, emphasizes Beijing’s key role, says to BILD: “If China does not participate, we have no chance of reaching the 1.5 degree target. Every country has to participate. “

FDP traffic expert Oliver Luksic (42) also explains in BILD: “When it comes to climate protection, there is a lot to be done in China and a lot to criticize, but unfortunately there is little to hear.”

What does FFF leader Greta Thunberg (18) say? Germany recently accused them of “historical guilt” due to excessively high CO2 emissions.

She last tweeted about China’s role in May: “Yes, China is still classified as a developing country by the WTO (…)”, Thunberg wrote. But that is “of course no excuse to ruin future and present living conditions.”

Why then don’t the FFF activists demonstrate in front of the Chinese embassy? B. in front of the party headquarters of the Greens? Your secret. BILD inquiries on the topic remained unanswered at the time of going to press.

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