Free shrink sessions for children, a useful device … but insufficient

Illustration of a child helped to verbalize his emotions. – Pixabay

  • The mental health of the French, adults, teens, children, is a real concern after thirteen months of health crisis and restrictions.
  • On Wednesday, Emmanuel Macron announced the upcoming establishment of a psycho package for children and adolescents from 3 to 17 years old who are suffering from the health crisis.
  • One way to strengthen the offer, while many psychiatrists warn about emergency visits and children’s psychosocial needs. But despite everything, this aid remains insufficient.

“I am not going to jeopardize the mental health of my daughter of only 6 years old”, assures Aurélie, 39 years old. For the past few weeks, she has noted with concern her daughter’s tendency to isolate herself. “She is having more and more difficulty managing her emotions and the constraints linked to Covid-19 and this since we had to cancel the week of ski holidays with grandpa and grandma in March. She is melancholy, for no apparent reason. The teacher also confirmed to me that she tended to isolate herself more than usual. “

So, this mother will not hesitate to ask the pediatrician to benefit from the psych plan for her child. Indeed, Emmanuel Macron announced last Wednesday that ten sessions would be prepaid for minors from 3 to 17 years old who are suffering from the health crisis. These consultations, prescribed by a doctor, will therefore be free, provided they are addressed to identifiable partners on a platform.

“Children are vulnerable, under construction”

A boost that removes a financial brake, but also the taboo on mental health. Fundamental, especially for developing children. Because children also suffer from this endless crisis. Even if France is one of the countries that has kept schools open the most, some have not seen their grandparents or fragile relatives for months, others have not been able to find their dance, football or boxing since October. “Child psychiatrists are warning because there are more and more children with psychological difficulties and more and more
visits to psychiatric emergencies », Assures Nicolas Franck, psychiatrist and head of pole at
Le Vinatier hospital center in Lyon.

However, these children, if they isolate themselves, plunge into a phobia, depression, an addiction to screens and risk a lot. “Children are vulnerable, under construction,” continues the psychiatrist. In too much pain, they risk not acquiring certain things. Their brains are very plastic. Double-edged characteristic: “they get into psychic troubles easily, but bounce back quickly,” resumes the author of Covid-19 and psychological distress. Obviously, there are children who are more fragile than others. But this lasting stress pushes more children beyond this threshold of vulnerability than usual. “

When should you consult?

As with adults, the two most common ailments in children and teens are anxiety disorder and depression. But how to differentiate a simple whim, a difficult passing and a real disorder that sets in? “What is very important is to make people understand that it is not dichotomous: either” everything is fine “or” severe disorders “, underlines Nicolas Franck. It is a continuum that can gradually deteriorate. “

How to spot when your child is sinking? “There is a notion of frequency and duration of symptoms, complete Aline Nativel Id Hammou. Of course, you have to pay attention to the prevailing mood. If the sadness sets in beyond two weeks, if there are sleep disorders (nightmares, night terrors), food and finally changes in the relationship, we can worry. Does your child draw, play, continue to do activities that he liked to do? And when the dialogue is broken? “So they can ask for a consultation with a psychologist for their child or parental guidance (session with one or more parents). “

“This package is necessary, but it is not enough”

It is also necessary to have the means to treat these new small patients before the suffering leaves any consequences. However, France is sorely lacking psychiatrists and more particularly child psychiatrists. “Public structures are saturated, regrets Nicolas Franck. Paying back ten sessions with a psychologist in town is one way to increase the offer. This package is necessary, but it is not enough. “

An opinion shared by some parents who responded to our call for testimony. “This announcement seems very hollow here in Poitou”, regrets Aude, 39 years old. His son found himself without any psychological follow-up solution after the reorientation of the medico-psycho-pedagogical center. “Parents of children in need of psychotherapy are already in great difficulty finding a place in a center or with a liberal. “Offering” sessions when we do not offer a sufficient supply, this shows how far the government is from the reality on the ground. ”
Aline Nativel Id Hammou, clinical psychologist specializing in children, recalls that teleconsultation can be a solution. “From the age of 10, it’s doable. It’s not the same as face-to-face, but it can be a gateway. “

“We must take care of parents in difficulty”

Another reason why this device is important, but insufficient: “we must support parents in difficulty, so that they can in turn take good care of their children, insists Nicolas Franck. What is very important for the child is the serenity of those around him. However, many parents need help coping. Especially when they combine home schooling, telecommuting and all the rest… ”Not to mention the stress of unemployment, grief and uncertainty…

This weight of the environment, Aline Nativel Id Hammou also notes. As of Thursday this psychologist received requests from parents to find out if she was one of the partner psychologists. “I am impressed by the resilience of children when they are accompanied by caring adults,” she adds. Some people express sadness at not being able to see grandpa and grandma anymore, that’s normal. When adults have the right attitude, take the time to discuss the crisis, their emotions, and look for ways to alleviate things, children generally come to terms with frustration. “

Finally, this psy package for children complements the “psy check” for students launched in March 2021 and until December (for the moment). Students are entitled to three sessions, renewable once. “For a majority, this is not enough, observes Aline Nativel Id Hammou. Many of my young patients want to come back but don’t have the finances. It remains to be seen whether the children will also feel the need to consult again after the ten free sessions …

* Covid-19 and psychological distress, 2020, the odyssey of containment, Odile Jacob, October 28, € 21.90.

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