four migrants allowed to leave the waiting area for a procedural defect

LE FIGARO INFO – Hearings are underway before the Judge of Liberties and Detention to determine whether the 190 migrants rescued at sea should be kept in the Var temporary waiting area.

“There will be no break in the chain in support” migrants rescued by the Viking Ocean, guaranteed Lucien Giudicelli, secretary general of the Var prefecture, on Sunday. Monday, the Judge of Liberties and Detention (JLD) canceled for procedural flaw the maintenance in the temporary waiting area of ​​four migrants from Guinea, learned Le Figaro from consistent sources. Hearings are underway on Tuesday to study the case of some 190 migrants received in Hyères.

To keep any individual in a place of deprivation of liberty beyond a period of 96 hours, presentation before the JLD is a legal obligation. For the four Guineans presented before the JLD on Monday, procedural defects were raised and retained by the courts. They relate in particular to file transmission times or registers missing from the file, indicates to the Figaro the president of Toulon, Me Sophie Caïs. These migrants are therefore authorized to leave…

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