Forspoken introduces you to the parkour skills of the “magic acrobat” Frey • JPGAMES.DE

Last we heard from Forspoken in connection with a special shift and a not entirely successful promotional video. Then a 10-minute gameplay video was about the game itself again and the TGS trailer also moved focus on content again.

Now Square Enix and Sony have probably started a new video series: Deep Dive. The new video focuses specifically on protagonist Frey’s parkour skills. This is how movement is fun – at least that is the tenor.

“The heroine of Forspoken brings incredible magical parkour moves that let her jump, fly and dash around the world with amazing fluidity,” promises Square Enix’s Duncan Heaney. If the new video is not enough for you, everything will be explained to you bit by bit in the PlayStationBlog.

Forspoken is being developed by Luminous Productions. That Studio was only founded in 2018, initially led by Hajime Tabata, but who later retired. the makers pursue the claimto offer the “highest quality graphics in an open world game”.

Forspoken follows Frey, a New Yorker who is transported to the cruel land of Athia. Looking for a way home, Frey must use her new magical skills to travel the land fighting monstrous creatures.

Forspoken is scheduled for release on January 24, 2023 for PlayStation 5 and PC.

The new parkour trailer:


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Images: Forspoken, Square EnixLuminous Productions

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