Former priest sentenced to seventeen years in prison for rape of minors

The former priest from Orléans was found guilty of hundreds of rapes and aggravated sexual assaults on four boys. This Saturday, he was sentenced to seventeen years of criminal imprisonment by the Loiret Assize Court.

The accused, Olivier de Scitivaux de Greische, 64, was found “guilty of all acts of rape and aggravated sexual assault,” the court said. She announced a security period of 10 years which goes beyond the requisitions of the attorney general.

Following the requisitions, the court, among other things, sentenced the accused to “socio-judicial monitoring”, “a care injunction”, “the ban on carrying out any professional or voluntary activity involving contact with minors” .

” I recognize… “

Friday, in front of a forbidden room and hanging on his words, the former priest “recognized everything without reservation”. “I recognize, since it is necessary to use the words, the touching, the caresses, the fellatio, the digital and penile penetrations, all the facts,” he declared.

The accused also confessed, for the first time, to rape and sexual assault on two other victims in 1982, facts which could not be judged due to the statute of limitations.

Saturday morning, his counsel, Me Damien Brossier, called on the court to be lenient, emphasizing that his client “is no longer a danger”, and “that we cannot be sentenced to 64 years as to 37 years, the age has passed, wear and tear has passed and time has passed without offense” since the condemned acts.

The facts judged date back to the 1990s and 2000s, when Olivier de Scitivaux de Greische, ordained priest in 1989, became involved with the parents of his victims, a family of three, regularly inviting each other to their table, staying to sleep in the bedroom of the eldest, who will be attacked and raped from the age of 9. “The gangrene is Olivier de Scitivaux because he got into the family everywhere,” denounced the lawyer of one of the victims, Me Clémence Lemarchand.

Alerts and reports never taken into account

Aged 22 to 25 at the time, the priest inflicted violence on his victims in various places. At their home, while the parents sleep on the ground floor, in the sumptuous residences of the Scitivaux family, in winter at the chalet in Abondance (Haute-Savoie) and again in summer, at a summer camp in Perros- Guirec.

“When there was not one available, there was the second or the third,” confirmed the former priest, thus designating the three brothers, forty-year-olds today united on the victims’ bench.

The facts occurred until the beginning of the 2000s. However, the first alerts were issued by facilitators and families to the diocese in the 1980s, by families or chaplaincy facilitators in 1998. In vain.

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