For François Bayrou, these elections are “a very important warning shot for the majority” and the executive

François Bayrou, the president of the MoDem, ruled this Sunday that the results of the regional are “a warning shot” for “democracy” and “the majority”, recommending to the executive not to “go over the election and start over as it was before ”.

“The warning shot that the French sent is also addressed to those who are responsible, because the French probably did not perceive the course they had recognized at the time of the election of the President of the Republic” , he analyzed on LCI.

“The French no longer recognize themselves in the way the country is organized”

“Abstention is the manifestation of an opinion, of a withdrawal, I do not think that the abstention is a flippancy”, commented the ephemeral Minister of Justice Emmanuel Macron. “The French no longer recognize themselves in the way the country is organized”, he also commented, assuring that “nobody manages to understand the difference between regions and departments, with two different elections, according to two electoral laws different. “

“We must take up the question of the organization of our local democracy”, “infinitely confused by successive layers where the voters do not manage to recognize themselves”, demanded François Bayrou.

“It’s still absolutely incredible, that in a country like ours, we have national authorities who continue to explain to us that ‘no postal voting will not be done'”, he exclaimed, taking as an example the American presidential elections of 2020 where more than 100 million voters voted by mail or in advance.

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