For 64% of French people, LR has ideas close to LREM and RN

The Republicans logo – SIPA PRESS

For 64% of French people, Les Républicains is a party in which most of the leaders “have ideas close either to La République en Marche or to the National Rally and could rally these parties”, according to an Ipsos / Sopra Steria poll *
for France Info, The Parisian and Today in France published this sunday.

Conversely, only 35% of French people consider that LR is a “useful party which has a specific political position” in relation to LREM and the RN.

Agreements for the regional?

While the issue of agreements from the first round of the regional elections in June has agitated political staffs in recent weeks, 52% of those polled say they are “in favor” (against 48% “against”) an alliance between the LREM lists and LR in the second round in regions where the RN is in a position to win, to prevent a victory for this party. The proportion of “favorable” opinions rises to 86% among LREM supporters and 58% among LR supporters.

But nearly one in two LR sympathizers (48%) would be in favor of an agreement with the RN of Marine Le Pen to prevent a victory for the left in a region, also notes the poll. “It is a difficult period for the Republicans”, admits Aurélien Pradié, secretary general of LR, questioned by The Parisian. “We are undergoing the cynical assaults of LREM and the RN, it would suit them so much that we disappear. With us, there are cowards, but also resistance fighters who think that our party is not for sale to the cut and can become again a benchmark for the French ”, he adds.

* Survey carried out on a sample of 985 people representative of the population aged 18 and over, interviewed online on May 10 and 11.

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