Food prices: do corporations have no social responsibility? – Business

Not long ago, the big retail groups still showed themselves to be poverty fighters. Now they want nothing more to do with it, even though prices are rising rapidly. They see the state as having an obligation. Is that reprehensible?


Michael Kläsgen

From today’s perspective, these are remarkable sentences that the food companies published about their social responsibility. They are only three years old, the world was different then: no Corona, no Ukraine war, no 20 percent inflation in food. But, be careful: There was sharp criticism of the “dumping prices” of the big four: Rewe, Edeka, Aldi and Lidl. The then Agriculture Minister Julia Klöckner (CDU) castigated some companies by name because of their “low-price advertising”, such as Edeka. “Essen deserves a price: the lowest,” the Minden-Hannover regional company wrote on a poster, infuriating farmers, the minister and many others. The Chancellery convened a price summit with the CEOs.

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