Flowers, little animals … You have sent us your most beautiful pictures of the reborn nature

A cat, flowers and a bee foraging, by our Internet users. – Marie-Christine Vandewiele / Valérie Cornaire / Gérard Gamain

Trees in bloom, animals in shambles, green paths… Many of you have been inspired by our call for photographs that smell like the return of sunny days. Some of you may even have observed insects, squirrels and even deer, turtles and amphibians.

In the four corners of France or even abroad, your photos breathe joy and outdoor walks, whether with family or friends. The season of flowering and the first strawberries is already a smile. This is what to hope for better days. In the meantime, don’t hesitate to let your gaze wander and observe nature, which is gradually reborn in April.

We thank you for your investment. Thanks to your eyes of budding photographers, you have been particularly prolific. Find out below and on our Instagram account your best contributions.

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