Five misconceptions about flu and colds

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  2. Live healthy

Cough, runny nose, sore throat: There are many myths surrounding viral infections such as flu and colds. But which of them are true?

Colds, influenza and that too Corona virus are currently causing problems for many people. If we spend a lot of time indoors in cold, wet weather, pathogens have an easy time of it. Because of the warm heating air and the cold, the mucous membranes dry out – viruses and bacteria can penetrate more easily. Respiratory infections occur. There are many topics surrounding the cold and flu Myths. But not all of them have any truth to them.

Myth 1: A cold often turns into the flu

A runny nose is a typical sign of a cold, but can also occur with the flu. © Westend61/Imago

Many people believe that untreated cold symptoms can turn into the flu – this is not true. Although both diseases are caused by viruses, the pathogens and the clinical picture differ: cold viruses (mostly rhinoviruses) often cause a runny nose, sore throat and cough. The cold usually goes away on its own after a few days.

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Influenza viruses, on the other hand, are more dangerous Professional Association of German Internists (BDI) informed. An infection with the pathogens can lead to high fever, body aches, chills and headaches and muscle aches. The flu often comes on very suddenly and should be cured well. The body normally copes well with flu viruses. However, if the symptoms do not improve after a few days, if you feel particularly bad or if symptoms such as heart palpitations and shortness of breath occur, you should see a doctor.

Myth 2: Freezing and cold feet lead to a cold

A cold is not caused by cold, but is caused by viruses. Anyone who is cold may weaken their immune system. When it is cold, the mucous membranes are less supplied with blood and immune cells are less able to fight pathogens. In winter, the following still applies: dress warmly!

Myth 3: Vitamin C protects against colds

According to the German Society for Nutrition (DGE) important for a functioning immune system. In this country, however, we get enough vitamin C with a balanced diet. To date, there is a lack of scientific evidence that routinely taking vitamin C supplements can prevent colds. A cold cannot be prevented with vitamin C. What actually helps: exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet with lots of plant-based foods. Visiting a sauna in winter also seems to have a positive effect.

Myth 4: Antibiotics help with flu and colds

According to the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) only useful for bacterial infections. They don’t help with a cold because they are caused by viruses. Anyone who still takes antibiotics is actually harming their body: experts warn of increasing resistance, which can be attributed to the unnecessary prescription of antibiotics.

Myth 5: You only need to get a flu shot every few years

For some diseases, just one vaccination is enough to provide lifelong protection. Others, on the other hand, need to be refreshed again after a few years. This is also the case with the flu. The viruses that cause the disease continue to evolve and mutate. New vaccines must therefore be administered year after year. The best time for vaccination is autumn, i.e. shortly before the start of the new flu season.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It in no way replaces a visit to the doctor. Unfortunately, our editorial team cannot answer individual questions about medical conditions.

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