Five airports targeted this Thursday, four evacuated

Bordeaux, Basel-Mulhouse, Tarbes, Pau and Biarritz… Five French airports were targeted by new bomb threats on Thursday and four were evacuated, we learned from an airport source. All, with the exception of Biarritz, were subject to evacuations, this source told AFP.

Despite these alerts, disruptions to aviation activities appear to be reduced, according to the airline’s online dashboard. Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC), which however noted delays of an hour and a half at the departure of Basel-Mulhouse.

The Franco-Swiss platform confirmed on X (formerly Twitter) that the terminal had been evacuated and aircraft movements “temporarily suspended” due to a bomb threat. It had already been evacuated on Tuesday, just like three other French airports, including Bordeaux.

70 false alerts targeting airports last year

Last week, nearly 70 false bomb threats targeted French airports, sent from “almost always the same email address located in Switzerland,” French Transport Minister Clément Beaune said on Sunday. In total, “more than 60 investigations, all locations combined, have been launched,” he said.

France has raised to the maximum level the alert level of the Vigipirate plan against attacks since the assassination on October 13 of teacher Dominique Bernard in his high school in Arras (Pas-de-Calais) by a young person accused of Islamist radicalization. .

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