Fitness star infected with Corona and shocked with video about the consequences

See in the video: US fitness trainer infected with Corona and shocked with video about the consequences.

Bill Phillips is a well-known US bodybuilder, fitness trainer, and author. In his videos he gives advice on strength training and nutrition. He was bursting with strength and health, but then that! This is also Bill Phillips – after a corona infection. The 57-year-old spent eight weeks in the hospital, he was ventilated and was in an artificial coma. He almost didn’t survive. He considered himself immune and decided against the Covid 19 vaccination because he had previously survived an infection with the virus. He has lost 35 kilos since his second illness. Thanks to the doctors, nurses and the subsequent rehab, Phillips is now on the mend and addresses his fans: “Get the vaccination. I’ve been very lucky and I’ve never been so happy, I’ve been stronger and probably richer, but I’ve never been so happy and grateful.

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