Fire in “Pullman City”: No evidence of arson – Bavaria

Three days after the major fire in the western town of Pullman City, the police see no evidence that the fire could have been set intentionally. The police said on Wednesday that investigators had no evidence of negligent arson.

However, the search for the cause of the major fire, which caused millions in damage, is “difficult due to the enormous degree of destruction”. It is hoped that a report from the State Criminal Police Office will provide more clarity.

Firefighters fought the flames for hours on Sunday on the so-called Main Street of the tourist attraction in Eging am See (Passau district). Several wooden buildings burned, including a steakhouse, a Mexican restaurant, the prison and the music hall. Since the fire kept flaring up in some places, emergency services were also on site on Monday night.

Despite severe damage, the adventure park plans to offer its full program again in the spring. The park for cowboy fans attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors every year. Tourism Minister Michaela Kaniber (CSU) announced on Wednesday that she wanted to get an on-site picture of the damage with Prime Minister Markus Söder and Construction Minister Christian Bernreiter (both also CSU) on Thursday. A “short, internal conversation with shareholders and management” of Western Park is also planned.

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