Finding a gift for the children, the ultimate mental load at the end of the year?

December: its crowded toy shelves, enough catalogs to deforest the Amazon, and its children who ask for the equivalent of Croatia’s GDP in gifts. The magic of Christmas does not erase the big problems that come with organizing the end-of-year celebrations. We can almost speak of a mental load.

According to an Ifop study for the site published in 2021, 77% of French people feel stress related to buying Christmas gifts. For more than half, the main issue is finding the right gift idea, but the fear of running out of stock, or being seen as a cheapskate are elements that also come up regularly. Beyond gifts, an Ifop study published last year by the site Travel with usshows that 62% of the women surveyed believe they do more than their half in preparing the festivities (meals, decoration, etc.).

And you, do you feel this mental load at Christmas? Are you tired of being asked for gift ideas? Are you tired of shopping in crowded stores? Are you afraid of not finding the right gift or of looking like a fool? Is this a source of tension with your loved ones? The headaches about organizing the meal too? Have you put systems in place to get around this risk of confusion? Tell us. Your responses may be used to write an article. THANKS.

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