Feng Shui cuisine: 7 tips to adopt it

© Little Greene © Schmidt

1 – A bright and well ventilated kitchen

In Feng Shui, tradition has it that the kitchen is oriented to the east or south-east, in order to take advantage of the light of the rising sun. Otherwise, it is recommended to promote maximum brightness.

A wooden canopy to open the kitchen
© Leroy Merlin

If the light leaves something to be desired, opt for the open kitchen. If you want to keep a well-structured space, for example by isolating the kitchen from the entrance or the living room, consider the glass roof. To respect the principles of Feng Shui, prefer the wooden canopy – that’s good, it is terribly trendy!

2 – healthy cooking

Feng Shui advocates a perfectly clean interior – and this is particularly true for the kitchen, where hygiene is essential!

An Easy To Clean Kitchen
© Mobalpa

In the kitchen, we therefore choose a functional layout, which facilitates cleaning. We think practical, preferring furniture with plinths, rather than furniture simply placed on feet, and on a splashback – even thin – which protects the wall from splashing water and dirt.

Parquet And Tiles
© Mobalpa

Feng Shui recommends eliminating textiles from the kitchen as much as possible, because they retain moisture. We therefore replace traditional curtains with bamboo blinds. As for the floor covering, we put on the parquet or the tiles. To give a little dynamism to the room, do not hesitate to play with the tiles to make a rug around the island or in front of the sink.

3 – natural materials

Much of Feng Shui is based on the balance between the five elements: earth, wood, water, metal and fire. The choice of materials is therefore an essential element. In the kitchen, we generally recommend wood and stone, which balance the atmosphere in this pond.

A solid wood kitchen
© Schmidt

Wood brings a soft and friendly touch to the kitchen. Ideally, we opt for solid wood, more natural, rather than chipboard.

Natural Stone
© Le Comptoir Des Pierres

Stone is a more suitable choice if you have a crush on sophisticated kitchens or country chic style. Again, Feng Shui advocates a natural material rather than an imitation.

4 – Smart storage

Feng Shui aims to circulate Chi – life energy, as smoothly as possible. As a result, the kitchen should be as neat as possible.

Neat shelves and worktop
© Little Greene

Overloaded shelves should be avoided – which create an unpleasant feeling of clutter, but which are also very tedious to clean. We also take care to keep a work plan as neat as possible.

Numerous And Well Accessorized Storage
© Ikea

To enjoy a perfectly well organized kitchen in all circumstances, we rely on sufficiently numerous and spacious storage, making sure to accessorize them, in order to have practical storage spaces – in particular to store spices, bottles and spices. cooking tools.

5 – A traditional household appliance

Feng Shui has its source in nature, and electrical devices are hardly recommended, as they have the unfortunate reputation of interfering with the flow of Chi. In the kitchen, however, it is very difficult to do without appliances!

Multifunction robot
© Kitchen Aid

To limit the number of devices, we adopt without hesitation multifunction devices, which also have the advantage of saving space in the cupboards.

A Cooking Piano In The Kitchen
© Goal

Following the principles of Feng Shui, it is essential to ensure the quality of cooking food. And in this regard, it is the flame that is recommended. It is therefore preferable to opt for a traditional cooking piano.

6 – Modular lighting

Lighting is an important element in the kitchen, where you have to see clearly to limit the risk of incidents. It is therefore common to have a wide choice of lighting: suspension above the island, targeted lighting above the worktop.

Modular lighting in the kitchen
© Leroy Merlin

Feng Shui encourages sophisticated lighting, by also advocating modular lighting, easy to adjust according to circumstances. So you can enjoy functional light when cooking, and create a more relaxing atmosphere at mealtimes. To do this, vary the light points, remembering to equip them with a dimmer.

7 – A vegetal touch

Feng Shui recommends the use of plants in decoration, because they bring a touch of life and nature. They also help absorb moisture. They are particularly recommended in water rooms, such as the kitchen.

Plants In The Kitchen
© Ready To Push

Some Feng Shui schools recommend favoring green plants with large leaves. However, plants are all virtuous – as long as they are well cared for. You can therefore calmly favor aromatic plants, which will be very useful to you to spice up your dishes.

Plants Suitable For The Kitchen
© Cuisinella

If all plants are welcome in the kitchen, it is essential that they are in perfect health. According to the basic principles of Feng Shui, a sick plant is indeed likely to affect the quality of Chi in the kitchen. If you don’t really have a green thumb, bet on plants that are easy to maintain and suitable for a room where the temperature and humidity vary frequently:

  • Chlorophytum comosum (or “spider plant”);
  • Pothos;
  • Fern.

If you have a crush on flowers, bet on anthurium or moon flower.

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