Federal states want to oblige asylum seekers to do community service – politics

The prime ministers of the federal states want to oblige asylum seekers to do community service. This emerges from a resolution submitted by the Prime Minister’s Conference, the the Augsburg General is present. The heads of government of the federal states will meet in Frankfurt from Thursday. The template was created under the leadership of Lower Saxony and is also supported by the SPD-governed states.

“The existing regulations must be changed so that there is an obligation to take up work as soon as refugees who are able to work are assigned to the municipalities from the initial reception center,” the paper says. “In view of the ever-increasing labor shortage, it is no longer acceptable that many refugees cannot be brought into work and employment,” the submission continues.

Specifically, the opportunity should be created for municipalities to use asylum seekers for community service work. Companies that employ refugees should receive increased support in their integration. “Waiting for language and integration courses must no longer be a reason for delayed integration into the labor market,” says the proposed resolution.

According to the newspaper report, the federal states are also demanding better options for switching benefits for asylum seekers to benefits in kind and cashless benefits. “The systems being tested for the introduction of payment cards should be evaluated as quickly as possible and checked for a nationwide, uniform implementation that also saves administrative effort,” said the state leaders. This could contribute to “reducing disincentives for irregular migration”. The states are therefore calling on the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs to immediately create a legal regulation that allows benefits in kind to be offset against standard requirements.

Traffic light parties want to limit immigration

The SPD, FDP and Greens, on the other hand, want to relieve the burden on municipalities by limiting immigration. “The traffic light government and the parties supporting it are working together to ensure that our municipalities are relieved and migration is better controlled, ordered and limited,” said the three party spokespersons Picture-Newspaper upon request in a coordinated statement.

So far, the Greens in particular have spoken out in favor of better control and order, but have avoided setting a limit. The FDP, on the other hand, has been promoting it for a long time, and Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has also spoken out in favor of it.

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