Federal-state resolutions: unity at the expense of clear announcements


Status: 07.01.2022 8:59 p.m.

The federal and state governments quickly tick the box behind quarantine reduction and 2G-Plus for the catering industry. But when there is an epidemic emergency and vaccination is compulsory, it crunches. In the end, a lot remains vague.

By Moritz Rödle, ARD capital studio

Actually, as participants from all camps report, it was a constructive and peaceful Prime Minister’s Conference (MPK). The differences between the Union opposition and the SPD-led government are only apparent on two points: When it comes to the subject of mandatory vaccinations and the question of whether the Bundestag should again determine an epidemic emergency of national importance – or not.

Hardly any disagreement with 2G-Plus and quarantine times

The biggest innovation, a 2G-Plus regulation for the catering industry, goes through without much discussion. Although Bavaria and Saxony-Anhalt are still hesitant to introduce them across the board for different reasons – and record this in two protocol declarations. The shortening of the quarantine and isolation times does not cause a dispute between the states and the federal government.

Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach says in an interview with ARDthat the course of an infection with the Omicron variant is shorter. One is more contagious, that is the bad news. “But you are no longer contagious any faster. That is the good news.” And the adjustment of the quarantine time is geared towards this shortened cycle.

Dispute over compulsory vaccination and epidemic emergency

So the conflict between compulsory vaccination and emergency remains. The dispute was already a topic in the preliminary meeting of the federal states. One wonders what measures the Union-led countries lack in terms of measures that are only possible by establishing an epidemic emergency, according to the SPD. It is about the fundamental recognition that there is an epidemic emergency of national scope, countered the CDU. The result: no consensus.

Just like with the compulsory vaccination. The MPK chairman, North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst, obviously wants the topic on paper. With various wording suggestions, he urged that there should be a concrete timetable for the legal implementation of the general vaccination requirement.

The SPD does not want to go along with this, sees the issue in good hands in the Bundestag and does not want to put pressure on parliament.

In the end, they agree on a compromise formulation. It affirmed that everyone believed that vaccination should be compulsory, and stated that the federal states assumed that a timetable for the relevant legislation would soon be in place.

Handouts for personal responsibility

The price for the great agreement, however, is a series of very soft formulations. The health ministers are asked to prepare the hospitals for the expected high numbers of infections. You create the opportunity to test yourself out of quarantine or isolation with rapid antigen tests – although it is clear that these tests have weaknesses in the Omikron variant. There is only one appeal to employers and employees to implement the obligation to work from home.

In addition, it is “strongly recommended” to wear FFP2 masks when shopping and in local traffic instead of the less effective surgical masks.

The federal and state governments are trying again with their own responsibility. Now they want to wait a good two weeks to see how the numbers develop. On January 24th there should be another corona consultation between the federal and state governments.

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