Federal Assembly – Elect six deputies from the district of Munich – District of Munich

This presidential election will be a very special one, albeit not with a surprising outcome. Due to the corona pandemic, the 1472 members of the Federal Assembly will not meet in the plenary hall of the Reichstag building on February 13, but will choose the head of state over several levels in the Paul-Löbe-Haus in Berlin’s government district. Six members from the district will also be there; qua Office the three members of the Bundestag Florian Hahn (CSU), Anton Hofreiter (Greens) and Gerold Otten (AfD). Minister of State Kerstin Schreyer (CSU) and the members of the state parliament Claudia Köhler (Greens) and Helmut Markwort (FDP) are delegated by the Bavarian state parliament. The re-election of Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD) as Federal President is considered certain thanks to broad support from the traffic light coalition and also from the Union. The SZ asked the six members of the Federal Assembly about their voting intentions and expectations of the event.

CSU Minister Kerstin Schreyer fulfills her task “conscientiously, reflectively and humbly”.

(Photo: Claus Schunk)

Kerstin Schreyer, 50, member of the CSU state parliament and Bavarian Minister of State for Housing, Construction and Transport from Unterhaching: “It is a great honor for me to be a member of the Federal Assembly for the third time after 2012 and 2017. One must not forget: The Federal Assembly elects the Federal President, the head of state of the Federal Republic of Germany and thus the formally most important person in our political system. A task that I, as a member of the Federal Assembly, carry out conscientiously, reflectively and humbly. I will vote for Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Over the past five years, our Federal President has rendered outstanding services to our country with his serious, integrative and non-partisan administration. Of course If we as a Union could have nominated our own candidate, there would have been excellent candidates in both the CDU and CSU.But Frank-Walter Steinmeier did his job very well and I think it’s right, the dignified office of Federal President out of party-political pettiness -Keep out small.”

Presidential election: For the CSU member of the Bundestag Florian Hahn, it is the fourth federal assembly.

For the CSU member of the Bundestag Florian Hahn it is the fourth federal assembly.

(Photo: Claus Schunk)

Florian Hahn, 47, CSU member of the Bundestag from Putzbrunn: “At my first federal assembly in 2010 (at that time Christian Wulff, CDU, was elected, editor’s note) I was there when the count was counted, so to speak in the machine room. That was something very special. As every federal assembly is a unique event, because it usually comes together with the state representatives every five years just to elect the Federal President. It’s a bit of a shame that the election won’t take place in the plenary hall, but in the Paul Löbe House. That the Union doesn’t have one Sending your own counting candidate against an obviously successful Federal President is certainly correct. There is always room for improvement, but Frank-Walter-Steinmeier has not done his job badly. The AfD is not concerned with the candidacy of Max Otte from the CDU about democratic Work, she is only concerned with disrupting it and making headlines.It is correct that the CDU wants to exclude Otte from the party.Otte has no discus sion no longer has any place in the CDU.”

Federal presidential election: Claudia Köhler, member of the Greens in the state parliament, finds broad support for Frank-Walter Steinmeier good.

Green member of parliament Claudia Köhler finds broad support for Frank-Walter Steinmeier good.

(Photo: Claus Schunk)

Claudia Köhler, 55, Member of Parliament for the Greens from Unterhaching: “I will vote for Frank-Walter Steinmeier. What I really appreciate about him is that he brings people together and always finds unifying but clear words. In addition, he is not afraid to speak out loud. Especially in the last few weeks, he called the often quiet majority to become politically recognizable and not to withdraw and remain silent when people are attacked or ‘the ax is laid on basic democratic trust’. He looks ahead, I can go along very well. Whether I can think of other candidates I could have done without at least one other candidate, namely that of the AfD. More candidates are fundamentally part of democracy. Especially in times of crisis, however, I think it’s good that large democratic groups and forces have broad support for a proven and highly respected candidate as head of state, especially since our Federal President is already doing a good job in these difficult times f has done for social cohesion. I am very happy and feel the great honor and responsibility to represent our state and our district in the Federal Assembly.”

Presidential election: Anton Hofreiter (Greens), member of the Bundestag, supports Frank-Walter Steinmeier's re-election as a candidate.

Member of the Bundestag Anton Hofreiter (Greens) supports the renewed candidacy of Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

(Photo: Claus Schunk)

Anton Hofreiter, 52, member of the Bundestag for the Greens from Unterhaching: “I’ve already taken part in several federal assemblies, in 2009, 2010 and 2012 at shorter intervals. But this election and the way it is held is something very special and has its own character. Of course it will be a little different this time but the Federal Assembly is also characterized by the fact that it reflects a large social and democratic spectrum. It’s not just politicians from the Bundestag and the federal states who come together, but people from culture, sport, almost all areas. But that the Assembly will take place in the Paul-Löbe-Haus shows that we are still in the pandemic in everyday life and that nobody is escaping. Supporting Frank-Walter Steinmeier is clearly the right decision, and he also has the support of the FDP and of the Union. It would also be unusual if a coalition agreed to work together for four years and then deviated from it. Steinmeier is also the right P resident and makes an effort to promote cohesion in uncertain times.”

Presidential election: AfD member of parliament Gerold Otten takes part in the election of a federal president for the first time.

AfD member of parliament Gerold Otten is taking part in the election of a federal president for the first time.

(Photo: Claus Schunk)

Gerold Otten, 66, AfD member of the Bundestag from Putzbrunn: “I’ve been in the Bundestag for five years now, but it’s my first federal assembly and I’m of course looking forward to it, even if Corona is of course showing its effects. I think it’s a very wise decision that CDU man Max Otte is now running for the AfD. He also introduced himself to us in the Bundestag faction and received great applause. There were no negative voices at all about this personnel situation. All I can say about Frank-Walter Steinmeier is that I am a traditionalist and I wish that the Federal President would act in a non-partisan way . He should stay out of party politics – I’ve often missed that with him.”

Presidential election: FDP member of parliament Helmut Markwort does not reveal who he votes for.

FDP member of parliament Helmut Markwort does not reveal who he is voting for.

(Photo: Claus Schunk)

Helmut Markwort, 85, FDP member of parliament for the district of Munich: “It is a great honor to be sent to the election of the Federal President, which I will now be given for the second time. The Federal Assembly is the largest parliamentary assembly in the Federal Republic. And apart from the importance of the election itself, the coming together of so many is of course also important Colleagues a pleasant side aspect that I’m really looking forward to. Of course I would have preferred both a liberal and a candidate from the CDU/CSU. More choice when running for this office would be welcome. Who do I vote for? Above all, I value the secrecy of the ballot !”

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