Faure launches the Parliamentary Days with a call for the unity of the Nupes

The first secretary of the PS Olivier Faure launched, Sunday, in Rennes, the parliamentary days of his party, by an appeal to the New Popular Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) to privilege “common fights” to “controversies”, in the face of the risk of an extreme right in power in five years. In front of several dozen activists and parliamentarians, including the leader of deputies Boris Vallaud and the boss of senators Patrick Kanner, Olivier Faure said he was “annoyed”, faced with those who “have more passion to distinguish themselves from each other only to start the common fights”, in a veiled allusion to the controversy around the “left of the allocs” of Fabien Roussel.

“By what madness are we capable of not being at the rendezvous of the French? Everyone will have to take their responsibilities, that we stop these incessant debates between us, where we seek to give the point to the right or the far right, ”he said. “We need to make an impression before a budget debate on Social Security and the State budget, everything else is superfluous,” he further declared.

Unity against the far right

Faced with the far right “on the way to winning” in France, he invited activists to “make the lie” of the RN slogan “The alternation is us”. “If in five years we continue to fight against each other, to open debates that are not, to ensure that the left is seen as incapable of governing, then we will have a share of the responsibility in the victory of the extreme right,” he continued. He called on the activists “to go back to the campaign”, as “if tomorrow morning we had to go back to the elections”.

Boris Vallaud agreed with him on “the entry in force of the far right into the Assembly”. “We must be the intractable lookouts for this extreme right which is nothing ordinary even if it is clean-shaven now, that it wears the tie”, he said. “There is this responsibility, not only to be vigilant but to respond to the concerns of French men and women and in particular of the working classes, we must speak to the working classes and the middle classes”, insisted the deputy of the Landes. For his part, Patrick Kanner predicted “a country on fire and blood” in the fall, if Emmanuel Macron forcibly imposed retirement at 65, by amendment to the Social Security Finance Bill (PLFSS).

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