Fast and healthy: low-fat yoghurt cake made from just three ingredients

Watch the video: Fast, easy and low-fat yogurt cake made from just three ingredients.

Low-fat yoghurt cake made from just three ingredients.
Everyone knows cheesecake – but yoghurt cake?
Yes, this light and fluffy cake is becoming increasingly popular with food bloggers.
The cake is a quick success and is particularly low in fat.
Everything you need for this:
400g sweetened yogurt, 4 eggs, 40g sifted cornstarch.
1. Mix the yoghurt with the eggs
2. Add the sifted cornstarch and stir as well
3. Now bake the dough in a preheated oven at 170 degrees for about 40 minutes
The oven-fresh cake enjoyment is ready. Enjoy your meal!

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