Farmers’ protests: Roads blocked on Monday – further actions planned | – News – Lower Saxony

As of: January 9, 2024 10:01 a.m

Farmers want to protest against the federal government’s austerity plans all week long. On Monday they also blocked roads and motorway entrances in Lower Saxony. The protests are expected to continue on Thursday.

Early on Monday morning, the first farmers, like those in the Uelzen district, blocked roads with their tractors. The police had warned road users in advance of major restrictions. The extent varied greatly from region to region. The following overview of the districts shows where restrictions were announced on Monday – without claiming to be complete. The farmers have for Thursday further protest actions announced, including in the state capital Hanover. As soon as there is concrete information about affected roads in Lower Saxony, we will provide information on this page.

There were supposed to be farmers’ protests in the northwest on Monday

Aurich district:

  • Aurich: Demonstration march through the city center and meeting from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m
  • Wiesmoor: Meeting from 6 a.m. today until Tuesday morning on Main Street
  • Community South Brookmerland: Demonstration and meeting from 6 a.m. to 12 p.m


  • Bremen: The aim of a rally with the police estimated 2,000 vehicles

Cloppenburg district:

  • Cloppenburg: The aim of a rally and rally with around 300 tractors on the market square
  • Lastrup: Rally on the B213

Cuxhaven and Wesermarsch districts:

  • Cuxhaven: Rally trips to Stade and Bremen and secret tours in the city area
  • Blockade of the Weser tunnel on the B437

Diepholz district:

  • Bristle: Slow driving on the B214 to Wehrbleck
  • Diepholz: Slow travel via B51/B214 to Rehden
  • Drentwede: Slow driving on the B51 to Drebber
  • Kirchdorf and Neuenkirchen: Slow speed on the B61 in both directions
  • Sulingen: Drive on B214 to Bristen
  • Rehden: Slow travel via B14/B239 to Wetschen and Wagenfeld

Oldenburg district:

  • Had: Slow ride to Berlin from Sunday evening
  • Wildeshausen: Stealthy drive through the entire district

Emden district:

  • Emden: Blockade of the city from three sides

Empty district:

  • Empty: Two-day blockade of the Jann Berghaus Bridge

Verden district:

  • Oyten: Blockade of the junction on the A1 between Hamburg and Bremen in both directions

Farmers’ associations also called for protests in the northeast

Lüneburg, Heidekreis and Stade districts:

  • Heath district: Slow driving on the bridges and along the A7 and A27
  • Seevetal: Columns of tractors drive to the rally in the direction of Hamburg
  • Stade district: According to NDR information, farmers want to block, among other things, the Wischhafen-Glücksstadt ferry and motorway entrance along the A26 and shut down traffic on the B73

Tractor demos in the West

  • Osnabruck: Rally at 10 a.m. in front of the town hall and tractor parade across the Osnabrück Wallring
  • Melle: Light ride in the early evening
  • Counties Emsland and County Bentheim: No central rallies, but blockades of the main roads

Farmer demos around Hanover

Hanover region:

  • Hanover: The city and region are expected to be affected by protests throughout the week. Multiple rallies, sneak trips and road blockades; Thursday Tugboat demo with rally and rally in the state capital.

Celle district:

  • Celle: Police expect significant traffic disruptions throughout the district

Hameln-Pyrmont district:

  • Aerzen: Slow speed on the B1 towards Hameln
  • Bad mouths: Slow driving on the B442 to Rohrsen
  • Bad Pyrmont: Slow driving on the L426 and the B1 to Reher
  • Hasperde: Slow driving on the B217 and the inner city ring to Hameln
  • Hemmendorf: Steep drive to the parking lot at Schecken towards Afferde via the B1

Protests by farmers in the east and south of Lower Saxony

  • Braunschweig: At 11 a.m. tractor parade towards the city center and at 1 p.m. rally
  • Gifhorn: Rally with tractors and craft businesses, then drive on B4 to the rally in Braunschweig
  • Northeim district: Blockade of the motorway access to the A7 from 5 a.m. to 8 a.m., then drive to the rally in Northeim; From 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. tour of the city
  • Goslar and region: Police expect significant traffic disruptions


2 mins

The vehicle tax exemption should remain. The abolition of tax relief for agricultural diesel will be carried out gradually. (04.01.2024) 2 min

Federal government wants to partially reverse cuts

The federal government announced on Thursday afternoon the planned Wanting to partially withdraw savings plans for subsidies for farmers. But that doesn’t go far enough for the rural people of Lower Saxony. They want to continue the protests.

Further information

Farmers take part in a protest in Stade.  © NDR Photo: Hendrik Buth

The announced nationwide protests will probably also cause massive disruptions to road traffic in the north. An overview. (January 6, 2024) more

Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck (Greens) on the ferry at the Schlüttsiel ferry pier.  © NDR Photo: Jochen Domenicus

They were waiting for the Minister of Economics on Thursday at the ferry dock in Schlüttsiel. The police used pepper spray and the public prosecutor’s office is investigating. (January 6, 2024) more

A farmer in the Hanover region fills up a wheel loader with diesel in his vehicle hall.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Julian Stratenschulte

The Lower Saxony state government and farmers’ associations, among others, criticized the plans with a joint appeal. (04.01.2024) more

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Current | 01/08/2024 | 07:00 am

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