Family: Natalia Wörner: These women were my heroines

Natalia Wörner: These women were my heroines

Natalia Wörner is the patron of the Vox themed evening «#VOXforWomen». Photo: Harald Tittel / dpa

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How you become who you are: Natalie Wörner was strongly influenced by the women in her family.

Actress Natalia Wörner (“To err is male”) was shaped in her view of the world very much by the women in her family. “I grew up with my mother, my grandmother and my great-grandmother,” said Wörner of the German press agency. That influenced her a lot.

“All of these women were my heroines to me, they raised me. That was my world for me, and I actually had to get older first to understand how deeply it had shaped me in my original DNA and in my feminine view of the world, ”she said. There were three generations of single mothers, partly through war, partly through divorce. They would have mastered life on their own.

The 54-year-old has been committed to women’s rights and equality for many years. As the patron of the Vox themed evening «#VOXforWomen», she will speak to various guests on Monday (November 1st, 8:15 pm) about empowering women in education, the world of work and politics.


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