Family and work: Paid leave is needed for all fathers – economy

Anyone who rejects special leave for men after the birth of a child is cementing outdated role models. Family Minister Paus is not squeamish in other ways – she should advocate for fathers’ leave.

There is a life before children and a life after. When a couple has a baby, a lot changes in their life together – more than most people imagine. Unlike in the past, it is no longer guaranteed that parents or in-laws will step in. They are either still working or live too far away – after all, the job requires mobility. So the couples often have to deal with the new situation alone. It is therefore completely correct that the IT group SAP wants to grant fathers six weeks of paid father’s leave from 2024. At HP Enterprise, a US IT company, things have been going the same way for years. But what about all the other companies? And what about politics?

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